Fashion & Flat Whites: Tasha-Joy Burton

How would you describe your style?

I would describe my style as the classic mid century, retro seamstress meets modern bold and vibrant novelty prints! The clothes I wear are inspired by the things I love, such as dance, music, math, teaching, cats, sewing, travel AND RED! When I'm not dressed up in my retro clothes for work or play, I love my novelty and fandom print leggings and t-shirts.

How long have you been interested in fashion?

I've been interested in fashion on and off my whole life. When I was a kid, I used to dress myself up instead of playing with dolls. I really found my style when I started my career as a math teacher, in which I use fashion as a way to make people smile and inspire my students. It also brings me joy in the process. Life is too short to be a boring math teacher! Often even my accessories match the theme of my outfits, which can make people smile even more once they see the fun attention to detail. Being a rock 'n' roll and Latin dancer also, a lot of my outfits are designed to be danceable, too! 

Tasha-Joy incorporating her favorite color, red, and her love for math in this fun look!

Can you tell us about your journey to body confidence?

Body confidence for me, like most of us, is an ongoing process. I learnt to sew in 2016 after I finished uni and fell in love with it! Being able to alter clothes or make clothes to fully enhance my figure and express who I am as a person has been an amazing creative outlet and confidence booster! I feel confident shopping online because I can always alter a garment to fit me just right. Anyone who loves fashion should consider learning to sew if they're able, it's an incredible outlet of self expression and confidence building! 

How did you find out about Mys Tyler?

I found out about Mys Tyler through @sandeerain who I buy my fabulous leggings from (and much more) who posted her profile on her social media around March 2022. She personally suggested to me that I'd love the app due to the fashion posts I'd post on social media of my creations and her leggings. From that moment, I was hooked and I've been posting an outfit post almost every day now! 

How has using Mys Tyler impacted you?

Mys Tyler has allowed me to connect with an amazing community of people who love fashion as a means of expressing themselves and sharing their passion with others! I am so grateful for the joy and creative outlet it's brought to my life! I know my style isn't for everyone, but I love seeing the full array of diversity on the app and how others feel confident in the skin they're in wherever they are or their stage of life. This also inspires me to experiment with my fashion tastes and further develop my own self confidence.

What's your favorite fashion hack? 

My fashion hack: I decide on my outfit the night before for work to avoid a mad rush in the morning! 

Life is too short not to be yourself and embrace your uniqueness. You’ve got to be different to make a difference in the world!
— Tasha-Joy

What do you hope the future of fashion will look like?

The future of fashion should see more people experimenting with fashion rather than simply buying whatever is popular on the high street at the time. Try exploring preloved fashion, quirky small boutiques and even try sewing to truly and confidently express who you are to the world! 

Do you have any favorite quotes that you’d like to share with our community?

I love these quotes: 

"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” - Coco Chanel

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” - Judy Garland

Tasha-Joy looking absolutely gorgeous in this jumpsuit she made herself!

Tasha-Joy is one of Mys Tyler’s Contributors, inspiring women across the world with her unique and stylish fashion. You can follow Tasha-Joy on Mys Tyler to be inspired below!

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Fashion & Flat Whites: Fran Arcuri


Fashion & Flat Whites: Ruth Chepkemboi